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  • Writer's pictureArbie and Moo

I was in London

Not so long ago I was in London for three days. "Well you couldn't have seen that much in only three days" That is where you are completely wrong my friend. Over the three days we managed to pack in a hell of a lot of stuff. And after it I was exhausted! I swear the day after we arrived home I didn't even notice myself drifting off most of the time.

This wasn't my first time in London. But this was definitely my favourite trip there so far.

So instead of me rambling on and on about every little thing I did for the three days, I have come up with a list of my favourite things that I did/saw/came upon/experienced...ya know..all that stuff. (Actually I really do like lists, most of my posts have a list)

1. The West End Shows- When I found out that we were going to see three shows I nearly cried. I've always dreamed about seeing a west end show and to be seeing three was just...well by little brain couldn't handle the excitement of it. We went to see Matilda (photo of set above), The Lion King and The Play that Goes Wrong. Matilda was just amazing. The kids in this show had more talent in a single strand of their hair then I will ever accumulate in my life. I cried at the end of it, It wasn't sad at all, but the talent, the music, the characters, the set- all of these things were so brilliantly combined that they completely overwhelmed me and brought a tear to my eye. (Actually quite a few, Arbie). And for the other two shows....eeeehhhh. I had really high expectations for the Lion King. I'm not going to lie, I nearly fell asleep a few times in the first act. The second act was a bit better but overall it was kinda boring. I'd say watch the movie first and if you like the story go see it. And finally The Play That Goes Wrong. I had no clue what to expect from this show since I'd never heard of it before. It was so clever and hilarious. If you have a slapstick humour you will love this show. The overall experience of these shows is something I will never ever forget as long as I live.

2. Cycling in London- The first thing we did on the trip was the cycling tour. To be honest I was kind of dreading it because it was freezing and also three hours long. It then turned out to be one of the best things about the trip. We went with the fat tire cycling company and they were really great. Now if you are like "ugh cycling, hell nah" then whist a minute, it is not the Tour de France. It was really relaxing and leisurely and the tour guides let us go at our own pace. A cycling tour through Hyde Park and some of the city was the perfect way to see most of the famous sites without taking ages by foot or going on and off the tube.

3. The Natural History Museum- I have also been here before but I feel like this time I made the most out of it and went into practically every exhibition. For this museum you have to be in the right mood to make the most of while you are here. If you are going to London..go here - it's one of a London tourist's musts. And extra bonus- it's freeee!! If you do decide to go here during the Summer make sure to get here really early because the queues are normally gigantic. This museum is full of history, geography and a life size dinosaur! (definitely one of the coolest things)

Ok... it doesn't seem like we did that much but I swear we didn't even have time to shop the trip was so jam packed. I did go to M and M world as well. The amount of different types and flavours..uggh I love M and Ms. And you know what the worst thing was.. I spent £30 on them and I didn't even get any for myself. I'm just an angel of a daughter/sister/friend. (Definitely did not panic last minute because I completely forgot about presents and M and M world definitely was not the nearest and most convenient thing). And I know you were probably expecting me to post about all the hip cafes I went to with my cute aesthetic matcha latte photos but I'm sorry. The nearest I got to a cool, aesthetic cafe was subway. They just make the best sandwiches! You can't deny it. We also went to The Globe but that was kinda boring. I'm sorry I'm not at the stage yet where I can appreciate old buildings and architecture, forgive me..I'm only sixteen.

So yeah! That's my little travel account/list kinda thing. I really would love to live in London one day. It's such a vibrant, busy city full of life and opportunities and you never know whats around the next corner.

Next travel blog from me will be some time in June (unless I go on a really, really spontaneous trip between then and now) as we have such an exciting holiday planned that I just can't stop thinking about. AAAAAAAHHHHHH I'm so excited.

Until next Sunday which is also Easter. Yaayyyy who's excited for chocolate?????? Note to self: try save a least one egg beyond Easter Sunday.

Yours Truly,

Arbie xxx

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