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10 Mythical Creatures You’ve Never Heard Of

Hello again! Another week, another Wednesday. It’s 2018, in case you haven’t noticed, and I’ve been getting into a lot of new things recently. If you’ve read Arbie’s new blog post you’ll know that she’s really gotten in conspiracy theories lately and for me, my new ‘thing’ is fantasy!

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

I’m just really loving the idea of exploring new worlds and creatures and cultures lately (existing or no) so I thought I share with you some of the weirdest creatures I’ve found. Whether you’re trying to find new things to put in a story or just interested to find out what crazy things other people have come up with, here is the list for you:

1. Peryton – maybe this isn’t that weird compared to some other creatures that are out there but I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. It’s a hybrid, with a stag front and a bird back, generally an eagle of some kind. It can be quite colourful with long wings that extend down to the ground. It is believed to be invented by Jorge Luis Borges, but is used throughout fantasy worlds today.

2. Wolpertinger – this creature is actually pretty adorable. It’s a large hare/rabbit with wings, antlers and tiny little fangs. They are said to be mischievous and inhabit the forests of Bavaria in Germany.

3. Raijū – this one is really interesting because it is the creature that partially inspired Pikachu. It is a small blue rodent with lightning powers, and what isn’t cool about that? It is from Japanese mythology and its cry sounds like thunder. Which, to be honest, would make it the coolest pet ever.

4. Nanaue – this one is terrifying to anyone who’s seen Jaws … I mean, what would we do if it could climb out of the water? With the appearance of a crocodile (or sometimes human, depending on the telling) with a shark head, the nanaue is part of Hawaiian culture.

5. Baku – this creature is the same size as an elephant and shares its head. It has a white, stripped and fluffy body and is from Japanese mythology. Although being really cute, the Baku actually devours dreams and nightmares, which could be either good or bad depending on how you think about it. According to the legend, the Baku was created from spare parts when all the other animals had been made.

6. Hippocampus – this is a fun one if you’re looking for an underwater creature. With ‘hippos’ being the Greek word for horse, this creature stays pretty close to its name. It has the body and head of a horse – the only difference being that it has flippers for feet! It has previously been seen in Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, although you can interpret it any way you like.

7. Kirin – (a.k.a. the Qilin) this creature takes the form of a scaled and furred (often green) deer that may or may not be able to set itself on fire, depending on which telling you believe. It is known to be good omen and is from Chinese Mythology.

8. Enfield – this one is really cute. It has the body of a fox and the front legs of an eagle. This may sound crazy, but it isn’t – it’s adorable. It is originally from Ireland and was part of a crest decoration, but has evolved to have a more simple design (there were many other animals included before). Honestly, I think one of these would make an even greater pet than a Raijū.

9. Caladrius – this creature looks like it could exist in real life, but for this one it really is what’s on the inside that counts. The Cala is from Ancient Roman mythology and would take away the sickness of a person and deposit it somewhere else so they could get better. Pretty neat, eh?

10. Karkadann

– last but not least! This creature looks very much like a regular rhino, except that its horn has healing powers. It’s name means “Lord of the Desert” and it is from Indian and Persian mythology.

That’s all folks! I hope this post has either:

· Been helpful for writing

· Inspired you in somewhere or other

· Or just passed the time for a little while

I’ll see you next time,


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