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  • Writer's pictureArbie and Moo

Wardrobe Essentials for a Teen

Hello again! There are two things that I love in this world over everything else. And they are my friends and family. Hahahahhahahah lol. Let's be real here- they are beauty products and clothes. I looooooooove clothes. Am I the only person who could start scrolling through Asos and then realise three hours later that you've literally made a permanent dent in your couch? Seriously it's becoming a real problem. Especially because all the Spring and Summer clothes are starting to come out. Anyways... since I spend all my money on clothes and shoes I might as well right a blog post about them.

No matter what time of year it is and whatever personal style you have, these are the things that I think are ESSENTIAL to have in your wardrobe.

1. A denim jacket- The trusty denim jacket. It has just seemed to have stuck here in the fashion world for years and years and no wonder why! It goes with nearly everything! You can wear it in Summer, Spring, Autumn and Winter and I feel like it always makes an outfit. A good denim jacket is an essential if you feel like you have something missing from your wardrobe. My lovely jacket is from Topshop. Click here for link.

2. Black, skinny denim jeans- I think these style of jeans are the only things that have stayed in my wardrobe for about the last 10 years! First of all black, skinny jeans go with about everything and second of all most pairs are really comfy so why wouldn't they be in your wardrobe!? I love a little extra comfyness so I always go for high wasted jeans. I think I get the most wear out of my black jeans compared to anything else in my wardrobe. My jamie jeans are also from Topshop. They are expensive but are really good quality and are super comfy. Click here for the link.

3. A baggy hoodie- Definitely for most people the baggy hoodie is already an essential without me having to tell you. To be honest I'd say about 99.9% of people reading this are wearing a baggy hoodie and why wouldn't you be? They are just sooooo comfy. I can't emphasis my soooooo's enough to show how comfy a baggy hoodie is without filling up this whole post with sooooo's. Mine gets pulled out on all my lazy, cosy days in (so pratically everyday then Arbie) It is madness if you don't have a baggy hoodie. I got the one above from Superdry. Click this thing to see how expensive it is when you can get one in Penneys for a tenner :) (I couldn't find my exact hoodie but the one linked is ehhh... kinda the same if you think red and turquoise are the same colours!)

4. Converse- Can you even name anyone you know that has never owned at least one pair of converse? Because I literally can't think of anyone. I've had about five pairs of the good old Chuck Taylors now. Each pair has been worn away until I physically couldn't wear them anymore because there was a hole in the sole. RIP all my old converse. Converse is definitely one of my favorite brand of shoes because I haven't come across any other brand that I still want to wear even when there's a hole in the sole. I have plain, all-black low tops at the moment. Click here.... you get the gist.

5. A polo neck- For the colder months- these are essential. Throughout winter I think I've worn a polo neck every day- no joke. They keep your neck warm and add to your outfit slightly as well. For about 3 euros in Penneys they can't be avoided.

6. A skirt- Skirts can be dressy or casual. They are perfect if you have any last minute plans that you have to dress a bit smarter for. You can pair them with a denim jacket or blazer for a smart casual look or wear with a plain white t-shirt for a laid back look in the summer. I bought my skirt quite a while ago from New Look so here is something similar. Click this.

So there you have it. I think I might do an Essential clothes for Summer post before well... Summer. It's hard to think about what heat feels like when there is snow outside.

Until next week,

Yours truly,

Arbie xxxx

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